About D.G. Hollums

“Bless this shimmering moment, may my eyes receive its gifts, may my heart open ever wider in response”

— Christine Valters Paintner



Hello there.

I am a neo-friar-esque husband, father, cultural architect, community curator, contemplative photographer, contemplative woodcarver, and all around geek. 

My work has been shown all around the country including during the Conspire Conference put on by The Center for Action and Contemplation and Fr. Richard Rohr.

I call what I do, "Prayertography" or "Visio Divina". I use photography as a spiritual practice similar to a spiritual discipline. Before I received the term, "Visio Divina from author Christine Valters Paintner, I would describe what I did as Lectio Divina with what the Christian Celts called, "The Big Book" which they meant all of Creation.

When teaching workshops on how to practice Visio Divina to photographers, I invite them to change the way they think about how they do photography.  'It's not about "taking" the "shot", but "receiving the moment", and allowing each moment to bring transformation in you and all those that view it deeply when they see your received moments.' 

If you are a part of a church or organization that would like to know more about Visio Divina, contact me for speaking arrangements or to lead workshops on how to practice Visio Divine.  

Ordering Prints:

If you are interested in ordering prints of my photography, I've created a pricing page for different sizes and kind of print mediums. Please reach out to me and we can discuss prices and sizes of prints. Thank you so much for your interest. 

May you be blessed, to be a blessing to others! 

I love living, and live to love, without stipulations! 

Blessings and peace be with yall,



My work focuses on contemplative photography and helping others to not only receive moments in their own photography, but when viewing art and life in general. I teach photography workshops and classes in Visio Divina and Contemplative Photography from a Christian viewpoint to photographers, religious groups, and individuals.

Work with Me

Have an upcoming project? I'd love to collaborate with you! 

Get in touch with me using my contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more.